Quickly recover your outstanding payments and reduce your DSO

Our debt collection expertise is aimed at companies wishing to increase their cash flow and reduce their customer credit risk.
Entrust us with your outstanding debt
They trust us
Cabinet de Recouvrement de créances en France - Société de recouvrement de créances | Gestion Credit Expert
Cabinet de Recouvrement de créances en France - Société de recouvrement de créances | Gestion Credit Expert
Cabinet de Recouvrement de créances en France - Société de recouvrement de créances | Gestion Credit Expert
Cabinet de Recouvrement de créances en France - Société de recouvrement de créances | Gestion Credit Expert


to the management of your receivables,
It’s giving your finance and accounting teams the means to be efficient!
your cash

Quickly recover your outstanding payments in France or abroad to boost your level of available cash while preserving your commercial relations.

To improve
your WCR

Improve your BFR and identify the levers to secure your trade receivables.

Secure your

Study the solvency of your customers or other partners, and find the debtors who have left without leaving an address.

your DSO

Anticipate late payments and follow up with your customers before unpaid bills accumulate. Make them aware of the need to meet deadlines.

The outsourced service expert to manage your accounts receivable

Recouvrement judiciaire de créances : Les risques et les avantages pour les créanciers | GCE
Respect for your business relationships

We follow up with your customers with diplomacy , in the most appropriate way and with the right tone. For your part, you remain focused on the business opportunities to be built with them.

Success fee

It is only after the effective collection of your receivables that you pay our fees. This remuneration represents between 5 and 25% depending on the amount of receivables entrusted, the nature of the unpaid debts and the profile of the debtors.

Comment choisir le bon avocat pour un recouvrement judiciaire de créances efficace

To recover your money anywhere in the world , we work in 8 languages completely independently (FR, ENG, ALL, ES, IT, PL, PT, TCZ). And to be closer to your debtors, we rely on the expertise of our 300 correspondents in France and abroad (bailiffs, lawyers, etc.).

Cabinet de recouvrement de créances : La solution pour gérer vos impayés en toute sérénité | Gestion Credit Expert

We aim for excellence through the continuous improvement of our processes. Our objective ? The full satisfaction of all our customers.

Cabinet de recouvrement de créances : La solution pour gérer vos impayés en toute sérénité | Gestion Credit Expert
Custom made

Don’t change anything , GESTION CREDIT EXPERT adapts its debt collection actions to your processes, your environment, the nature of your unpaid bills and the profile of your debtors.

Cabinet de recouvrement de créances en France : La solution pour gérer vos impayés en toute sérénité | Gestion Credit Expert
Real time control

Follow the status of your outstanding payments in real time . Managing your customer receivables with GESTION CREDIT EXPERT means having clear visibility on your files to be recovered and the assurance of acting quickly for strategic decision-making.

Cabinet de Recouvrement de créances en France - Société de recouvrement de créances | Gestion Credit Expert

100% French and independent debt collection company.

Debt collection company serving businesses, GESTION CREDIT EXPERT is 100% French and independent.

Our teams support and federate the leaders, the Finance and Credit Management functions of VSEs, SMEs, ETIs and Large Groups, whatever their sector of activity, through its 4 business lines, Relaunch on your behalf, Debt Collection, Advice in Credit Management, Civil and Commercial Investigations, to improve their cash flow and reduce their customer credit risks.

The head office of the debt collection agency is in Toulouse, the 54 employees of the group are distributed in 7 French cities and rely on an international network of 300 partners also allowing them to intervene all over the world to collect invoices. unpaid. GESTION CREDIT EXPERT is ISO9001 certified and holder of the “EcoVadis Platinum” CSR label.

Together, let’s preserve the financial health of your company thanks to a tailor-made approach and a results-oriented and customer satisfaction-oriented organization to reduce payment times and the number of your unpaid receivables.


Contact us

Calculate the compensatory turnover to catch up the financial loss generated by an unpaid

How much extra revenue do you need to collect to make up for the loss of an invoice you can’t get paid. Don’t give up on getting paid! GCE intervenes for you, whatever the amount of your claim.
Additional turnover to achieve to compensate for your outstanding payment:

Expert content to improve the management of your receivables

By filling out a single form to join our community, access white papers, infographics, tools to download.
SMEs, the 8 levers to increase your cash flow for sure
SMEs, the 8 levers to increase your cash flow for sure
You are a manager or financial executive of an SME and you are struggling to finance the WCR of your…
Download PDF
White Paper How to Choose the Right Debt Collection Company
This white paper contains 15 pages of best practices that can help you select the right collection agency to handle your debts.
2024GCE livre blanc choisir sa societe de recouvrement ML

Our news and blog articles

We provide you with our articles and reflections devoted to Credit Management and debt collection.
Debt recovery: indicators to follow to monitor performance
Advice from Pro to Pro
Debt recovery: indicators to follow to monitor performance
Debt collection is a vital function for the financial health of businesses. Effective management of this activity helps maintain stable cash flows and reduce financial losses. To optimize this function, it is important to monitor the right performance indicators. In this article, we will enlighten you on the main indicators to monitor. Debt collection: why […]
Debt collection software: the great illusion?
Debt collection software: the great illusion?
The amount of unpaid debts in France continues to increase , putting a strain on companies’ cash flow. However, the supply of debt collection tools and software has never been so prolific. These solutions, often based on AI, promise miracles: automation of reminders, predictive analysis, and simplified monitoring of receivables. But then, why does the […]
How Automated Payment Reminders Can Transform Your Collection Strategy?
Advice from Pro to Pro
How Automated Payment Reminders Can Transform Your Collection Strategy?
For businesses, late payments can quickly become a nightmare and jeopardize their cash flow and financial stability. Imagine that, despite all your efforts to maintain a good relationship with your customers, some of them are late in paying their invoices. You find yourself multiplying reminders, spending hours on repetitive administrative tasks, when these precious resources […]
The Role of Automated Recurring Billing in Optimizing Revenue Management
Advice from Pro to Pro
The Role of Automated Recurring Billing in Optimizing Revenue Management
Many businesses spend hours each month manually reviewing, editing, and sending invoices. However, errors pile up, payments get delayed, and cash flow or collections become increasingly complex. Sound familiar? Manual invoice management, while common, is a common source of stress for many businesses. Moreover, an IDC study revealed that accounting departments spend 30% of their […]
What management tools allow you to monitor and optimize WCR in real time?
Advice from Pro to Pro
What management tools allow you to monitor and optimize WCR in real time?
Working capital requirement (WCR) is a key indicator of a company’s financial performance. A high WCR can jeopardize the sustainability of your business. Accounting management software, collection tracking tools, process automation tools, etc. There are many tools to help you control your WCR and optimize your cash flow. By accelerating debt collection , you free […]
What are the impacts of poorly managed WCR on a company’s cash flow?
What are the impacts of poorly managed WCR on a company’s cash flow?
Working Capital Requirement (WCR) is a key strategic issue for any company. If poorly managed, it can jeopardize the financial health of your company: late payments, cash flow tensions, difficulties in investing, etc. For example, customer receivables not collected on time can create a domino effect on supplier payments. Find out how effective levers, such […]
What is a company’s recovery rate?
What is a company’s recovery rate?
The recovery rate is a key indicator for any company. It measures the efficiency with which it manages to recover the amounts owed by its customers. But what does this rate really mean and how can it be optimized? As a debt collection company , GESTION CREDIT EXPERT provides you with all the answers to […]
High-growth startups: how to control your receivables?
Advice from Pro to Pro
High-growth startups: how to control your receivables?
Rapid growth is a goal for many startups and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). However, this development is often accompanied by significant financial challenges, particularly those related to receivables management. Growth, if not controlled, can jeopardize the financial health of a company and hinder its progress. In this article, we remind you why and how […]
Which service should I use for invoice recovery for an SME?
Advice from Pro to Pro
Which service should I use for invoice recovery for an SME?
Around 80% of SMEs experience late payments. These unpaid amounts can have serious consequences for your business: difficulties in honouring your own commitments to your suppliers, slowed investments, lack of liquidity to finance growth, etc. It is therefore essential to react quickly and effectively to recover your receivables. Fortunately, there is a solution to recover […]
How to assess the financial health of a company?
Advice from Pro to Pro
How to assess the financial health of a company?
For debt collection companies , the financial health of a business is a valuable indicator of its creditworthiness and ability to repay its debts. By evaluating this aspect, they can adapt their recovery strategies , target the most appropriate actions and increase their chances of success. What is the financial health of a company? The […]

CGE in a few figures

86 %
positive surveys
tailor-made training hours
Audit and Consulting assignments carried out
the year of creation of the group

500 active customers, as many satisfied

An agile, flexible and efficient receivables management method
témoignage témoignage témoignage témoignage témoignage
“Our collaboration with FRANCE CREANCES has always been of a very high standard and in an excellent atmosphere […].”
Gael Hiblot,
Administrative and Financial Director – BASF
An excellent relay for international debt collection issues
témoignage témoignage témoignage témoignage témoignage
“FRANCE CREANCES is a good relay when the amicable procedures do not succeed […]. “
Accounting and Financial Manager – Toulouse-Blagnac Airport
A significant drop in our DSO
témoignage témoignage témoignage témoignage témoignage
“Thanks to the professionalism and expertise of GESTION CREDIT EXPERT[…], the services provided have enabled a significant drop in our DSO, which continues to decline.”
Laetitia Martinez
Accountant – INESSENS
A team that understands the insurance environment
témoignage témoignage témoignage témoignage témoignage
“The FRANCE CREANCES team is competent, attentive and has good interpersonal skills. The results obtained have always lived up to our expectations.”
Catherine Bourgeois,
Accounting Manager – ALBINGIA
Fully control one of the most important assets on the balance sheet: trade receivables.
témoignage témoignage témoignage témoignage témoignage
“Outsourcing customer follow-up allows SMAG to achieve better financial performance[…]”.
Frederic Charoy,
Administrative and Financial Director – SMAG

frequently asked Questions

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A collection company mediates between suppliers and customers in the event of unpaid invoices .

It is not only a question of collecting the sums which are due , it is a question of bringing in cash quickly while preserving and streamlining the commercial relations between the creditor and his debtor.

The activity of debt collection firms like that of GCE-FRANCE CRÉANCES is an essential cog in our economic system , especially in a context where late payments are increasing .

At GCE-FRANCE CRÉANCES, we know how to listen and adapt to each situation to find an amicable solution in 80% of cases.

As soon as there is a delay in payment , even of a single day, there is a legal default.

As soon as the collection company receives a mandate from the creditor to collect the sums due, it immediately triggers a tailor-made treatment adapted to each type of debt , according to the sector of activity, the amount or the age of the invoice. unpaid.

Recovery actions follow strategies that include, among other things, written reminders, phone calls, reminder emails and SMS, home visits, etc.

In short, specialized collection companies such as GCE-FRANCE CRÉANCES operate as economic and social facilitators, capable of smoothing commercial relations, negotiating and finding amicable solutions so that their clients are paid quickly while preserving their image.

There are 2 types of debt recovery procedures: amicable recovery and judicial recovery . These are legal remedies used by the creditor to show the debtor that he is determined to recover the sums owed to him.

It is certainly possible to proceed directly to a judicial debt collection, it is however recommended to start with the amicable debt collection.

Amicable debt collection: the first resort

Amicable collection operations consist of personalized follow-up of the debtor in strict compliance with the provisions of the Code of Civil Enforcement Procedures (articles R.124-1 to R.124-7) and the Code of Ethics of the ANCR.

Interventions with debtors are made by telephone, by post (sending a formal notice) or by home visit, depending on the case.

Those of GCE-FRANCE CRÉANCES are planned, consistent, punctuated and monitored over time with the aim of obtaining rapid settlement of an unpaid invoice from your client without resorting to legal proceedings.

Judicial debt collection: the last resort

Judicial or contentious recovery consists of seizing the competent court in order to obtain the compulsory payment of your claim once all amicable reminders and attempts at negotiation have failed.

The 1st step consists in obtaining an enforceable title against your debtor client. This legal act, which must be served by bailiff, will allow you to pursue the forced execution of your claim.

There are several legal recovery procedures for unpaid debts such as the injunction to pay , the assignment to the fund or the summary provision . Each situation corresponds to an appropriate legal procedure.

Backed by its network of 300 correspondents, including lawyers and bailiffs in France and abroad, GCE-FRANCE CRÉANCES enables you to avoid unnecessary costs through its perfect mastery of litigation recovery.

When a court decision is rendered (judgment or order for payment) and it is not contested, the file is entrusted to a bailiff . The latter then sets up enforcement procedures (attribution entry, sale entry, etc.).

The costs of these procedures are borne by your debtor client , unless the latter is insolvent.

The prescription of a claim designates the duration beyond which legal action is no longer possible.

In general, limitation periods in civil and commercial matters begin to run 30 days from the date of receipt of the goods or the performance of the provision of services. This period is reduced to 20 days when the invoice concerns certain products, such as perishable products.

It also sometimes happens that the seller sets different payment terms, within the limit of 60 days after the date of issue of the invoice. In this case, the period begins to run at the end of the 60 days. Two types of requirements are to be distinguished, in commercial matters and in civil matters.

  • The commercial prescription intervenes in the relations between two companies. The creditor has a period of 5 years to recover his unpaid invoice.
  • Civil prescription applies in relations between a business and a particular consumer. In this case, the limitation period for debt is reduced to 2 years .

When a company files for bankruptcy, in more than 90% of cases the procedure ends with a judicial liquidation. The collective proceedings initiated thus deprive all creditors of the right to act individually against them.

To recover your unpaid debts, you then have the obligation to declare your debts to the legal representative. The reporting period for creditors domiciled in mainland France is 2 months from the publication in BODACC of the opening judgment.

If you have exceeded the legal deadline, you still have the option of asking the supervising judge to be relieved of foreclosure under certain conditions.

GCE-FRANCE CRÉANCES supports you in the management of your files concerning debtors in safeguard, receivership or judicial liquidation.

At GCE-FRANCE CRÉANCES, we offer a win-win approach. Our fees are mainly due only in the event of success in recovering your debts from your debtors and are calculated according to the amount of each unpaid debt, the country of your debtor client . In accordance with the regulations in force, these fees remain the responsibility of the creditor.

GESTION CREDIT EXPERT, 1 single partner to help you manage your receivables

Reduce your DSO
Effectively follow up with your customers before due date, optimize your invoicing processes
make you pay
Get paid quickly from your individual or business customers, in France and around the world
Manage your receivables well
Manage your customer credit policy without error and find levers for improvement to reduce payment delays and optimize WCR
Securing your turnover
Make the right decisions thanks to reliable, fresh and complete information collected in the field

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