Civil investigations

Locate your debtors , check the solvency and contact details of your customers.

Anticipate and reduce the risks associated with late payment and unpaid bills by submitting your request for a civil investigation to us.


Request a Civil Inquiry



What is a civil investigation?

The civil investigation consists of validating the civil status of a natural person (an individual), locating their domicile, identifying their telephone numbers, etc. or determining their economic environment. It is carried out on behalf of a principal in the context of his legitimate interests. This research is conducted primarily by telephone and by accessing public databases and servers.
Civilian research is carried out within the framework of a regulated profession which requires an authorization for its exercise.

Our GCE – INFORCREDIT investigators , all private research agents duly accredited CNAPS , are specialists in civil investigations in France and around the world. They will meet your expectations in a personalized way, in strict compliance with the laws and the code of ethics of the Internal Security Code.

An advisor will call you back during the day
(Monday to Friday) to understand your needs and answer all your questions.
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The information collected is subject to computer processing intended to respond quickly to your request and may be used for any commercial information purpose by GESTION CREDIT EXPERT as well as for the quality monitoring of our actions. For more details, click here .
Enquêtes civiles - recherche | Gestion Credit Expert

Why ask for a civil investigation?

The civil investigation is part of a process related to the execution of a business contract or a court decision. This search for information will make it possible to prevent and better manage the risks associated with late payment and unpaid bills .

The companies that mandate us to carry out civil investigations do so:

  • As part of a debt collection procedure. For example, to find a debtor who has left without leaving an address or to decide on the best strategy to adopt in the context of litigation (Is the debtor sufficiently solvent for it to be relevant to launch a procedure costly legal proceedings against him?).

The civil investigation can also be part of the Eckert law , for companies in the bancassurance sector that want to meet their compliance / escheat obligations . Indeed, insurance companies, banks and other financial organizations have obligations established under the so-called “Eckert” law of June 13, 2014, relating to inactive bank accounts and dormant life insurance contracts. The purpose of this law is to improve the protection of savers by making the search for beneficiaries of inactive bank accounts more efficient.

The different types of civil investigations:

Several types of civil investigations exist and each responds to a specific issue.
Enquêtes civiles - recherche débiteurs | Gestion Credit Expert

Address search

The address search aims to locate the domicile of the natural person or to obtain confirmation of their last known address in mainland France, in the DOM-TOMs, or abroad.

We adapt our research to the specific needs of our clients/principals. We may also search for additional contact data such as telephone or e-mail address.

The address search is particularly suitable in the context of an amicable or judicial collection of debts when it is necessary to make direct contact with a debtor client.
At GCE-INFORCEDIT, we offer our customers a survey solution to respond to their problems with undelivered letters (PND) or NPAI income (does not live at the address indicated). Thus, our civil investigators detect and correct defective or missing addresses, and transmit additional contact information such as telephone or email details.

The actual transmission time of the investigation report varies between 2 and 5 working days.

Recouvrement de Créances et international | Gestion Credit Expert

The credit investigation

The solvency analysis must contain all the information necessary to speed up the debt collection process.
The elements usually communicated are:

  • The professional situation
  • The name of the employer
  • The family situation
  • The bank(s)
  • The address
  • The telephone number(s) including the mobile.

The research services of our GCE – INFORCREDIT investigators remain flexible and adapted to each client request. The price varies according to the number of elements desired and found.
Once the investigation has been carried out, our investigators draw up a solvency report integrating all the information they have been able to collect to facilitate and accelerate the recovery of the debt.

The actual transmission time of the report varies between 10 and 15 days.

Enquêtes civiles - recherche débiteurs | Gestion Credit Expert

Heritage research

The heritage search presents the overview of the assets belonging to the person who is the subject of the investigation.


The search for heirs or assigns

Inheritance monitoring or research for heirs or beneficiaries falls within the framework of the Eckert law relating to inactive bank accounts and dormant life insurance contracts. Banks and insurance companies use our services to regularize their situation as quickly as possible and thus comply with this law.

From localization to the most complex solvency investigations, we offer tailor-made investigations to companies, insurance companies, banks and other financial or credit organizations, lawyers, solicitors, bailiffs, property managers/trustees, professional landlords , public bodies, etc.

The actual transmission time of the report varies between 10 and 15 days.

Civil investigations, a regulated profession practiced in compliance with the GDPR

Since the Law on Internal Security of March 18, 2003, civil investigation has become a recognized and regulated profession. GCE-INFORCREDIT has all the approvals and authorizations necessary for the exercise of its activity. Our private investigators are indeed all approved by the CNAPS and collect personal data. They are committed to the discretion and confidentiality necessary to preserve the image of their partners.

In accordance with Law No. 78-17 relating to data processing, files and freedoms of August 6, 1978 amended on August 6, 2004, GCE-INFORCREDIT undertakes to take all necessary precautions with regard to any information provided to it by the client or any information that he would have collected himself within the framework of the specific mission, since this information constitutes personal data within the meaning of the law, “to preserve the security of the said data and, in particular, prevent them from being distorted, damaged, or that unauthorized third parties have access to them” (Art.34).

The security measures taken by GCE-INFORCEDIT are in accordance with the rules of the art in such circumstances, such as, in particular, codified and restricted modification reports, the establishment of a firewall against fraudulent intrusions, the establishment anti-virus software on GCE-INFORCREDIT systems, isolation of data in a secure place, etc. …
Finally, the retention period for the information collected is 6 months from the date of transmission to the client. After this period, the files are destroyed.

The expert in field surveys to secure your turnover

Leader du recouvrement de créances en France et à l'international | Gestion Credit Expert
Make the right decisions

Secure your turnover by submitting your requests for solvency investigations and address research to us. We seek for you the key information that will enable you to defend your interests.

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Comply with regulations

Make your customer data more reliable or find the heirs and assigns of dormant contracts. We guarantee our clients the total protection of the personal data that we manage in the context of the civil investigations that we carry out. And all our employees are trained in the requirements of the GDPR.

Cabinet de recouvrement de créances : La solution pour gérer vos impayés en toute sérénité | Gestion Credit Expert
Work with confidence

The company has an operating license issued by the CNAPS (National Council for Private Activities and Security) under the number AUT-SO-2015-10-05-A-00113148.
The managers also hold a license to practice. In addition, our team of civilian detectives is stable, experienced and efficient with a positive investigation rate of around 90%.

Leader du recouvrement de créances en France et à l'international | Gestion Credit Expert
Preserve your image

Ethics remain at the heart of our actions. We are active members of the Syndicate of Recovery Actors, the SAR.
In addition, all our employees scrupulously respect the ethics and IT charters and the CSR approach of GESTION CREDIT EXPERT.

Our other solutions

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Business Information

Check the creditworthiness of your B2B customers, reduce your credit risk.

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Notice of property value

Check the value of a collateral asset.