Legal Notice
In accordance with the provisions of Articles 6-III and 19 of Law No. 2004-575 of June 21, 2004 for Confidence in the Digital Economy, known as L.C.E.N., we bring to the attention of users and visitors to the site: the following information:
Legal information
SARL with a capital of 100 000 Euros
Head office : 9-11 avenue de la Garonnette 31068 Toulouse cedex 7.
SIRET : 302592431 00084
R.C.S. : B 302 592 431
Intracommunity VAT number: FR 89 302 592 431
Director of the publication: Christophe Nobilet, legal representative GESTION CREDIT EXPERT
Tel: 0 892 700 272 (0.337€ TTC/ min)
Contact the publication manager:
Secondary schools :
18 rue Singer 75016 PARIS. SIRET : 30259243100126
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Creator of the site: Let’s Clic
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In accordance with the Code of Civil Enforcement Procedures (art. R124-1 to R124-7), the debt collection activity of FRANCE CREANCES has been declared to the Public Prosecutor of the Tribunal de Grande Instance of Toulouse, since December 1996.
GESTION CREDIT EXPERT is a private research agency under the trade name INFORCREDIT with the CNAPS authorization number: AUT-031-2114-10-05-20150365236