
GCE awarded Platinum Medal by EcoVadis

Our commitment to corporate social responsibility is once again recognized by the EcoVadis CSR rating platform. GESTION CREDIT EXPERT thus obtains the highest level of distinction with the platinum medal. Explanations.

On April 26, 2022, we received the results of the EcoVadis 2021 audit, which confirms our environmental, social and societal leadership.

According to the new evaluation of the collaborative platform, the GESTION CREDIT EXPERT group, a collection company , received a score of 76/100, a figure well above the average for companies in the sector which is 44/100. Gold medalists in 2019 and 2020, our group thus continues its ascent thanks to its latest score. GESTION CREDIT EXPERT has been awarded the Platinum Medal this year, the highest level of distinction.

GCE awarded EcoVadis Platinum Medal

CSR assessment: why use EcoVadis?

Like other client companies, GESTION CREDIT EXPERT turns to EcoVadis to be evaluated each year on its social and environmental performance.

The methodology of this platform, whose ranking is a global standard of CSR, is based on 4 themes:

  • Environment
  • Social and human rights
  • Ethics
  • Responsible purchasing.

To date, EcoVadis has assessed more than 60,000 companies worldwide, covering 198 industries and 155 countries. Extra-financial, evidence-based assessments play a key role in identifying CSR strengths and areas for improvement. They also facilitate the definition of a corrective action plan to increase performance.

With this in mind, our group assesses its CSR performance by submitting its results to the international extra-financial rating platform EcoVadis.

The good results obtained this year are a lever for competitiveness and attest to our leadership on climate and social issues. They make GESTION CREDIT EPERT a trusted partner for its clients.

Live well at work and do well

When we think CSR, we think “sustainable growth”. Sustainable growth that resists crises and does so while respecting the principles and values that we hold dear. To be sustainable, growth must include

  • Treat employees, customers (and those of our customers) with the same respect, and do everything in their interest and satisfaction
  • Develop the skills and ensure the well-being of our employees
  • To support all our stakeholders, the company as a whole, and in particular the most vulnerable
  • To consider the environment, its protection and its development, in all its actions.

To learn more about our CSR approach, consult our COP 2021 – 2022

Focus on Social and Human Rights

In terms of performance and competitiveness, our 52 employees are our major asset. This is why the human element remains at the heart of our project.

We are convinced that the quality of life at work is a lever for global and sustainable performance.

In order to meet the expectations of our employees, we pay particular attention to the following

  • Adapting to changes in the professions and techniques
  • Respect for the principles of secularism and neutrality
  • A proactive policy of hiring on permanent contracts

GESTION CREDIT EXPERT registers an advanced score of 80/100 in the “Social and Human Rights” category. The average score is 47/100 for companies surveyed in our industry. And we continue to work on improving our performance, notably by focusing on better risk management, training and forward-looking employment management, as well as in the areas of health and safety at work.

For a continuous improvement of our CSR approach

The EcoVadis certification is valid for one year, which commits GESTION CREDIT EXPERT to continue improving its CSR policy in order to maintain its Platinum status.

We aim to accelerate our efforts to ensure that our actions serve as an example and thus contribute to systemic change.

Sustainable development requires rapid, tangible and continuous progress. Therefore, we see our EcoVadis assessment as an opportunity to raise our standards every year.

Discover theEcoVadis article reserved for GESTION CREDIT EXPERT concerning our CSR governance mode closely linked to our Quality policy.